Version History

SoMuchZBrush Update 5


+From Outlines added to Remesh+. Selecting this option will pop a UI up prompting you to create polygroups from a white model with topology lines painted in black. Once you've done that, hitting Remesh+ will create topology from the new groups and reproject all detail to them.

UV Tools+

Merge Strays added. This is super handy for cleaning up meshes when you are using polygroups to assign UVs. 0:1 UV square now renders around your UVs when in flatten mode to help orient if your camera is going crazy.
ProtoMeshUV results when multiple matcaps are used has been dramatically improved. Expect it to work the same as if you had no material breakups!

Bug fixes

All sliders and button states will now properly reload--both on restarting of ZBrush and when using other scripts in one session. 
Version updates will now clear out all settings files that may be incompatible. 

SoMuchZBrush Update 4

New Features

Mirror+ is a new function to allow an easy to use Mirror function.
-Mirror+ can mirror Polypaint in place
-Mirror+ can mirror AND rebuild your geometry to have symmetrical low res, and high res.
-Mirror+ Rebuild Geometry will auto detect the best high res and subdivision number

Viewer settings: You can now render in Toolbag3 and automatically send those rendered textures to Painter to get a file set up as if you had rendered in painter.

SP Template: setting added allowing you to pick the type of file you would like to set when your render is complete in Painter.

Select Lowres to allow you to select your own low poly. If it has UVs, it will skip the unwrap step. -Added "Pick Low" button for use when you are using "Select Lowres" mode. Import your low res model, select it and then hit this button to store a reference to it for export.

Update High buttons to Protomesh Options. Once you've exported your model, you can use this to simply update your high res and Substance will automatically rebake. Currently, this will only work with Substance. If you want to rebake in Marmoset you will have to hit export again.

New UVTools:

Grow Shrink: Grows then shrinks your visible polygroups to quickly fill holes in polygroups.
G/S Increment: Sets the number of times your Grow Shrink increases and decreases visible mesh.
<, <<: The arrows on the left side decrease your visibile polygons. < is a single press, << is a double press.
>>, >: The arrows on the right side increase your visibile polygons. < is a single press, << is a double press.
Group Visible: Just what it says! Groups visible polygons.
Grp Front: Uses polygons that are facing the camera, sets tolerance.
Grp UVs: Groups unique UV islands into a single polygroup. This is useful after you've auto-unwrapped to help clean up groups.

ALL2MAX: Dives all SubTools in your ZTool up to the max polycount set in your SoMuchZbrush Options menu.


All functions in SoMuchZBrush will happen on the actual mesh where possible. This means all history will be retained and your Project will not have a bunch of extra meshes left behind.
First use experiences and settings have been updated to insure you set things up right the first time without questions!

Remesh+ Now defaults to automatically creating a new Zremesh, detecting how many SubDs it should apply and reprojects the original detail into the new mesh.
Low Res #: This is the target resolution for the volume of all subtools that are set to be rebuilt. Basically, the smaller the mesh in your ZTool, the less resolution the low res will have.

Remesh+ Now has 3 modes to decide what to rebuild for you:
-Remesh Selected will rebuild the currently selected Subtool.
-Remesh Visibile will rebuild all currently visible Subtools.
-Remesh All will rebuild all Subtools in the active Ztool.

+Reworked ProtoPrep
Dramatically reworked how files are handed off allowing for much cleaner Zprojects. High poly export is done right away, so the the final export is now super quick!

Blockout+ now temporarily rescales your mesh to get a consistent size of shell.

Unwrap+ Can now be called while in flatten mode. Make some changes to polygroups while flattened and hit unwrap to get new UVs! Reworked Flatten UVs -UV Depth Slider: Changes the UV Depth when in Unwrap Mode. This feature is only supported in ZBrush 2020.

SoMuchZBrush Options:
Max Res: Sets a high res maximum for a few functions inside of SoMuchZBrush. This is not a hard limit but instead a safety feature for subdivide functions.
Remesh Tolerance: Sets a tolerance for the limiter when determining number of subdivisions. High values will let SoMuchZBrush get another subdivision if it normally would stop.

Update 3

This update is largely about bringing better organization to your files to get things up and running in game as fast as possible—about 5 minutes to take a high poly with no low res into Unreal 4 with materials!

New Features

Unwrap: Fixes mesh errors, then unwraps your mesh from polygroups. If your mesh is symmetrical and you have symmetry on it will respect it.

Flatten: Flattens your current mesh into a UV plane. While in this mode, you can assign new polygroups--when you unflatten, it will ask you if you would like to re-unwrap.


Reorganized all exported files to be easier to manage and auto-import into game engines.

_Source: Source files (mesh maps, high poly, cfgs) save here

Game: Low res mesh and game textures save here

Substance: Painter files save here

Toolbag: Marmoset Toolbag files save here

-UV functions now do a better job of using your polygroups to create UV islands.

-Substance Painter now exports mesh maps to your _Source folder after baking your textures.

Bug fixes:

-Super small meshes now do a better job of reprojecting

-Huge meshes now do a better job of repojecting

-Using protomesh on single subtool meshes no longer gives you a polymesh3d start

-Command line for substance painter no longer exits randomly

SoMuchZBrush Update 2

Update 2 brings much requested Substance Painter baking into the fold!

New Features

ProtoMesh now supports baking in Substance Painter! Bake/Export type can be set in the new Settings menu at the bottom of the UI.

Render types include:

-Just Export: Will place your High and Low objs into your project folder, but not send to any plugin to bake. Use this if you you want to bake in a program i don’t yet support!

-Marmoset: Will place your High and Low objs into your project folder then send to Marmoset to bake.

-Substance: Will place your High and Low objs into your project folder then send to Substance Painter to bake.

Settings/ SP Folder: Set location of Substance Painter


Remesh+ Workflow change. You still set your low res, but instead of Maximum resolution, you set #of subdivs and get an estimate of the final resolution next to it. This is just an estimate, and the final result is often higher. There is a dialog to stop subdividing if you go over your estimate should you choose to.

Remesh+ UI changed so the switches are larger and more verbose.

ProtoMesh UI change: Drop down to select mesh type is now only one button instead of a dropdown and a selection indicator.

Divide2Max max resolution moved into settings.

Blockout+ Now does some scale manipulation for more consistent results.

Paint2Group removed from ui since it was redundant.

SoMuchZBrush Update 1

Update 1 is the first step into automation of prototype meshes! More to come!

New Features


One button, 3 clicks= simple prototype mesh to check out in game. Each press will advance the protoprep state

*Select Type:

Selects the method in which the low poly is generated.

Dynamesh/Remesh: Combines all your visible meshes, dynameshes to make them as contiguos as possible, then uses Zremesh to create a simplified geometry with cleaner edge loops. Great for models that are simple and dont have a lot of holes in the mesh.

Decimation: Combines all your visible meshes, dynameshes to make them as contiguos as possible, then uses Decimation to make a simple low poly mesh. Works best to get a solid approximation of a a very low poly mesh(I.E. DOTA 2 assets.)

SUBD1: Uses your lowest subdivision on every visible subtool and combines them. Works best if you dilligently block things out.  

SUBD1 Remesh: Uses your lowest subdivision on every visible subtool and combines them but Zremeshes at this resolution. Works best with things like Marvelous designer meshes.

Reset Proto: Resets the state of the Protomesh button to default state. Use this if you are switching projects or want to start fresh.

Proto Sym: Sets symmetry on for low res generation. This will not work if you are using SUBD1 or SUBD1/Remesh.

Low Poly Count: This slider controls the resolution of your generate low poly mesh. Not used if you select SUBD1 as your low poly type.

Marmoset: Enabling this feature will automatically import your meshes to Marmoset Toolbag 3, set up your baker, and bake your textures!

Proto Mesh Steps:

Menu with the Protomesh steps broken into single buttons. Useful if you want to repeat your UVs or reexport.

1 Merge: This merges your visible high poly mesh, creates a low poly model based on the type you've selected  and does some preparation for UV mapping. This is a one off alternative to the Protoprep state of the main button.

2 Unwrap: This button will take your current polygroups and does its best to turn them to UV islands on your low resolution mesh. If you have a symmetrical low poly and have Proto Sym selected, it will also make the UVS mirrored.

3 Export: This button will export your mesh to the folder you have set as your project and if you have the Marmoset switch on, it will send it to Toolbag to bake textures automatically.

MergeVis: New button to merge all visible subtools and automatically select the created subtool.

Settings Menu:

-Marm.Path: Sets the path to Marmoset Toolbag 3. Required to bake textures automatically!

-Proj.Folder: Sets the path your OBJs will export to. If you have Marmoset enabled, it will also generate your PSDs in this folder.

-Tex Res: Sets the resolution of your texture bakes in Marmoset Toolbag 3.


Dynamesh+ is now handled as a whole in the plugin by polycount, not resolution.

Blockout+ is now compatible with ZBrush 2018

Blockout+ buttons and switches were replaced with sliders so that they never get reset. Edge cases where users were unable to get groups should now be fixed.

Panel Loop It now works with all the same features as Blockout+

Remesh+ now has a Dyna switch that will do a dynamesh before doing ZRemesh and reprojecting. Super helpful if you are making very low poly meshes from many elements.

All Projection distances increased to a default of .1 to help with super low res meshes.